Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to the site!

I know there are a few of us out there doing Weight Watchers (I'm pretty sure it's not just me and Jennifer Hudson!) The new program is great, but it's a big change for those of us who have been WW devotees for a long time. I'm really liking the new Points Plus program so far--it's much easier to incorporate lots of whole foods, and not veer to too much overprocessed stuff. But, there are times when we want to try out a new recipe, and there are times when we need something that's already made. I love finding great products and recipes that are low on the points plus scale, and creating new recipes that fit well with the plan. I thought it might be fun to explore some of these through a blog.

I'll also try to share any great healthy living tips, articles, and other useful info that I might find along the way. Thanks for joining me on my journey!